Hello! Our 5th grade students have become teachers for one day!!
It's been fantastic to see how they've managed to imagine a session revolting around their favourite song and carried it our in front of their classmates... In English!!!!
Amazing!!! :)
Since 3 years ago, we started telling stories to the children at the playground time for Sant Jordi.
This year, the English story was... WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT!!
They loved it... And me too!! :)
Tip... Toe!
Tip... Toe!
Our students from 3rd to 6th grade have gone to the theatre!!!!
A theatre in English called Billy Banjo!! They've been able to use their English and also they became actors and actresses!!!
It was funny to be cowboys for a day!
Hi there! Today we're here to tell you that our 3rd graders have decided to work on the Dinosaurs.
We've been discovering different types of dinosaurs, what they ate, where they lived and special features about them.
For instance, did you know that there was a dinosaur called Stegosaurus? And that he lived in what is now western North America?!
They've told me! :)