divendres, 19 de setembre del 2014

Welcome back!

Here we show you a website so that we can practise our English with the same characters of our books!

Only from 1st to 6th grades. You can play, listen again to the stories, etc.

Cool Kids Website

Have fun!!!

dijous, 10 d’abril del 2014


We hope you'll have a nice week without worrying about exams, homework or getting up early! :)

First, though, look what's been happening at our school... some fancy bunnies have come to stay! ;)

They've hidden loads of Easter (& chocolate!) eggs around school... If you find them, please, give some of them to your English teachers, they'll be happy as well!!

Happy Easter, then!

divendres, 4 d’abril del 2014

We're going on an Easter Egg Hunt!!!

So we have to be ready for it.

To do list:

- Make an Easter Basket. DONE!
- Find a Bunny who can help us finding the chocolate eggs. DONE!
- Have fun looking for the eggs.

Coming soon....

dimarts, 4 de febrer del 2014

Having fun with ICT! :)

Information and communication technology is so important nowadays... We use it everyday, and how could we live without using it in class too! Our students have fun whilst they learn loads of different things!

What time is it?

Translate me, please