dimecres, 21 de desembre del 2016

It's Christmas time!!!

We've been creating a Christmas Tree so that we can decorate it with all of the crafts we'll do with our students...
And here you have the making of!!

Have an awesome and Christmassy HOLIDAYS!!

divendres, 9 de desembre del 2016

Let's go to China!

We're here to tell you that we've been travelling to China with the fourth graders!!!
We've flown with a plane and then, we've arrived in Beijing where we've had a refreshing tea (don't tell them it was Roibos...!:))
And here we leave you with the pictures! 
We had lots of fun!!

dimarts, 22 de novembre del 2016

Welcome to... CAL·LYWOOD!!!!


How are you?!

We're writing to inform you that we're planning to celebrate THE SHORTEST DAY of the year...


Watching Short Films in ENGLISH!!!!!

Isn't that amazing???

Here you've got the map where you can see other events planned, or either come to ours!

And here you'll find the information about that day.

You're all welcome... We'll have GREAT fun! :)

divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2016

Autumn decoration! :)


As you already know, this school year we do arts and crafts in English in 6th grade. This time, we had to decorate the hall of the school with autumn props, and we decided to use also Halloween things, such as broomsticks, pumpkins... And also sentences in catalan, so that everyone could see that we celebrate everything: Castanyada and also Halloween!

But... what do we like the best?!

That's a secret we'll never tell! ;)

Hope you like the pictures!

dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2016

THIS IS HALLOWEEN... 5th graders activity!

This is today's activity... It's related to my favourite Halloween song, which is "This is Halloween", from the movie "The Nightmare before Christmas".

I hope you like it, and.... HAVE FUN!

 Here is the video of the song:

 Here you can watch the video with lyrics..


And finally... Start with the warm-up, as here it comes the KARAOKE VERSION!!!!
Are you ready?!

dijous, 20 d’octubre del 2016

Is Tiger in the...?

With the second graders we've been working with the parts of the house. One of the games that we've played is this one. 
We had fun with it and practised meaningfully in English, so what else can we ask for? :)

What time is it?

Translate me, please