dijous, 23 d’abril del 2020

MAGIC CHALLENGE #1! creating MAGIC videos!!!

Hello again!!!
Hope you're fine and well!!!
The Cal·lipoChallenge is coming... are you READY?!
We're sure you are!!!

Click here to see the tutorials to start with it: https://view.genial.ly/5ea1ae0242b8b70da8149cfb/interactive-image-filming-english-challenge-1

And if you've got any questions, write us at englishcallipolis@gmail.com

Have fun and see you soon!!!

dilluns, 6 d’abril del 2020

More English resources for you


How are you? We wish that you are fine.
Here you have some more activities.

  • In this link there are many picture game on many different topics. Each game has audio, so you can also practise pronunciation. You can choose three o four games:

  • In this other link, you have stories and dramatized stories with tips for their exploitation and activities for you:

  • Do you like playing with puppets? Watch this video to learn how to make a stick puppet!

Did you like this video? What stick puppets would you like to make? 

You can create your own puppets and make a little description like this:

"This is my puppet: HONEY. It's green and blue. It's got three big eyes and a big mouth. It's got a moustache and beard. It likes pizza and chocolate."

* If you do some English activities, you can send them to us:


Take care and see you soon. We miss you

dimarts, 31 de març del 2020

Tallers de teatre musical en anglès dijous 2 d'abril

Hello everybody!

El departament d'anglès us deixem informació amb enllaços per a realitzar:

Tallers de Teatre Musical en anglès per aprendre i divertir-se alhora des de casa i en família amb @jumpingducks a Instagram

Des de Jumping Ducks desitgem que malgrat les difícils circumstàncies l’aprenentatge no s’aturi i per aquest motiu hem pensat que ens encantaria oferir-vos els nostres tallers de teatre musical, en format online i de forma totalment gratuïta. Practicarem anglès, cantarem i ballarem, aprenent una senzilla coreografia de forma interactiva. Us animem a que participeu sols o bé en família,  ja que serà una sessió  molt motivadora i que tothom pot fer al menjador o a la sala d’estar.
A més, podreu participar fent-nos preguntes i suggeriments, continuar perfeccionant el què heu après i enviar-nos els resultats i fer-vos un vídeo final. Us proposem les etiquetes: #AprenentACasa, #Claustrodeig, #JoActuo, #totanirabe, #joemquedoacasa...i evidentment @hort_cal.lipolis

Mestres, alumnes, mares i pares! Us esperem a tots al nostre instagram el proper Dijous 2 d’abril a les 11hs per a disfrutar plegats!

El vídeo serà gravat i us el podreu descarregar quan vulgueu!

La cançó serà Happy, de Pharrell Williams. Podeu preparar els materials aquí:

Contrasenya: jumpingducks-2305

Aqui teniu el link per a poder participar als tallers: Instagram de Jumpingducks

Fins aviat,

Equip de Jumping Ducks

dimecres, 25 de març del 2020


Hello everybody!!

Here you have some activites that you can do at home.

  • Watch some cartoons and tv programmes in English:

  • Do some English activities on line:

  • Play games and practise English with your family:

  • Watch videos that you like in English.

  • Listen to music while reading the lyrics. You can make a karaoke contest with your family

...and above all, do whatever you'll like to be doing, you've got enough time to do it.

We miss you...see you soon

English teachers

divendres, 28 de febrer del 2020

eTwinning! =)

We've started a new project together with a school in Italy, another in Lithuania and another one in Reus! It's called The Case of the Missing Pet and here you can find out everything about it...
“Please, help me! My pet is lost!” A boy asks for our help, he has just lost his pet and he is desperate to find it. But, can we help him? Would we be able to complete the challenges and find the missing pet? 
This collaborative project among schools from different countries aims to work with contents from the Curriculum in a motivating and challenging way. Children will have to complete different tasks dealing with body parts, animals, greetings, presentations, grammatical structures, and most importantly, using ICT. This project is addressed to first years of Primary Education.

The Cal·lípolis Team has voted YES! to help Marco finding Mr. Poppy and were really excited when they finally found out that it was an ELEPHANT!!
They couldn't believe it!!!
Now we're waiting for the next challenge from Marco... What will it be?! 


On the second week, Marco has challenged us to get to know some of the body parts and draw Mr Poppy!
And again... we did it!!!
We had some time and we recorded videos with the app Flipgrid saying the body parts one by one and now they're decorating our school, don't they look nice?!

We've got another challenge from Marco!! This time, after recording some videos introducing ourselves, we've discovered that there are soooo many students involved in the project and... FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD!!!!
We couldn't be more impressed and couldn't wait to share it with you. We have met through the Flipgrid app, and there were loads of students from Lithuania, Italy and Reus (Spain). We've been able to watch their videos and, even, send them a reply!
It was amazing!!

At the Cal·lípolis Primary School today we've received a new challenge, there was a box with a lock and four different corners. We have split into four different groups and the fun has started... A BREAKOUT!!

One of the challenges was playing with different online games on a tablet, another one consisted on ordering sentences and checking that they were correct with our magic pen. On the third challenge we had to match the animals' pictures with their definitions; and the last one consisted on building words out of different letters that we could find inside an envelope.
After solving all of them, we could find four hidden numbers that helped us to unlock the box and... what a surprise, there was the last challenge: A PUZZLE!!
What a surprise when we've finished assembling the puzzle when we've found out that the letter didn't come from Marco, but from Poppy!!!

We've quickly sent a message to Marco so that he could go and find it!

dimarts, 25 de febrer del 2020


Hello families!!

The Y4 Cal·lipoStudents have been super BRAVE to beat a scary Dementor with their magic spells!!
They had to go through 6 different challenges to work with coding, Maths and English until they got a secret code to open a box where they could find the spell to beat the Dementor... and we managed!!!! =)

Here's the video we created to get started with the BreakOUT and a couple of pictures of us having fun!!!

dimarts, 18 de febrer del 2020


The pupils of 6th grade have created some quizzes.
We choose an interesting topic for us (TikTok, football, Fortnite, music...)  Then we prepare 10 questions with options about the topic. At the end, we present our quizzes in front of the class.
Each pupil is like a TV presenter and the rest of the class are participants.

We like to be the protagonist for a moment!!

Sasha (MANGA)

Martina and Aitana (TIKTOK)

Valeria i Hanaa (MUSIC)

Nicole and Beatriz (MUSIC)

Khalil and Mateo (FOOTBALL)


Lucia (KARATE)


Ian and Ahmed (FORTNITE)

Ericas and Raul (VIDEOGAMES)

Katherin and Leire (MANDALAS)

Tony and Henry (POKEMON)

Yasmin (UNIVERS)


Juan (IT)


Joel and Serin (ROBERT DOWNEY)



dijous, 6 de febrer del 2020

our GENIUS HOUR projects are finished! :)


Hello families!!
We've finished our genius hour project where we've been collaborating to create something we really needed while using English! :)
Here are our inventions, what do you think of them?!
Y5 students

What time is it?

Translate me, please